
6 things I learnt about makeup and self love from Moon Ga-Young’s ‘True Beauty’

Aishwarya Srinivasan
New Update
True Beauty

If you’ve watched True Beauty, you’d know that makeup is indeed the main character of the show. Here’s everything it leaves you to introspect about!

True Beauty starring Moon Ga-Young in the lead along with Cha Eun-Woo and Hwang In-Youp is truly one of a kind for various reasons. Firstly, given the unrealistic beauty standards set by K-dramas itself, most of us are rather obsessed with how we look to the outside world. Hence this K-drama came as a breath of fresh air to show us that there’s more to life than how we look. Secondly, the title itself is so self explanatory of what we should take from the story. It wants us to realize what ‘true beauty’ really is and also the fact that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. Those who love you, will always look beyond your looks and will always find you beautiful no matter what!

Having said that, the show also authentically portrays how using makeup willingly for yourself can also help boost your confidence sometimes and also that it's not at all an easy task to do; it's an art form in itself. In that sense, it is pretty well-balanced in terms of showing the good, bad and ugly side of what ‘beauty’ is in today’s time. 

Also Read: 6 K-drama love triangles that weren’t toxic at all!

4 years after the show’s release, here’s what stayed with me!

Your acne is not your fault

Lim Joo-Kyung suffered from severe acne throughout the show but it took her a long time to realize that it isn’t a ‘flaw’. She heavily relied on makeup every single day before leaving for school. But little did she know that her acne was not something that she could control and it wasn’t because she was doing something wrong. Acne happens because of various reasons and sometimes it's out of our control! So it's best not to give it the power to control us and make us feel less about ourselves!


Learning to be comfortable in your own skin

The show authentically portrayed how society pressures us to look a certain way which unfortunately triggers so many insecurities in us. But seeing Lim Jo-Kyung’s journey of acceptance and self loving is rather inspiring to watch. She went from hiding her true self to being brave enough to step out in her bare skin without makeup which just pushed me to embrace my true identity as well!

true beauty

Love makeup but love it for yourself, not because the world expects you to

As women, we’re often expected to wear makeup whenever we step out for an occasion or a party, hell even in our daily lives. But makeup is personal. You can truly love it only if you actually have keen interest in it simply because only you know how it makes you feel. Loving makeup isn't wrong at all; it helps so many people feel better for various reasons. But the point is to love it for yourself. Don’t succumb to peer pressure or just because your friends expect you to!

true beauty

Don’t be afraid to experiment with makeup instead of just following trends 

Lim Jo-Kyung’s love for makeup began because of her insecurities but she eventually became so good at it that she pursued it as her career. This was simply because she brought something of her own to the table. While she kept an eye out for current trends, she also created a style of her own and that is something I’d love to do as well when I do start learning more about makeup!

true beauty

Men can be just as comfortable wearing makeup

I would hugely credit K-Pop idols for breaking the stereotype about how ‘real men’ don’t wear makeup. A part of that is shown in the series as well where Lim Jo-Kyung becomes Han Seo-Jun’s make up artist after he becomes a K-Pop idol and how seamless it was for him to accept makeup into his life. 

true beautyy

You’re beautiful with or without makeup and if he really is ‘the one’, these things won’t matter to him

Lee Su-Ho in fact loved Lim Jo-Kyung for who she was instead of how she looked post makeup. As someone who constantly feels like she needs to look the best version of herself in order for someone to like her, this was a huge wake up call! 

true beauty

What did you took away from True Beauty? Let us know in the comments below!

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Moon Ga-Young makeup day Cha Eun-Woo True Beauty