
Hey weekend, why you over so soon. WE ARE STILL LAZY!

Aniket Sawant
New Update

The WEEKEND is over and the cruel Monday is here, and as I write this and I am already lazy to power through as I have been for all my life now. I know, it’s not only me even you all feel the same as you read this listening to your parent's tantrums.

We understand that there are tons of things that need to be done over the weekend. But, don’t you think that we already do shit tons of workload through out the week, traveling to work and back, getting out of the bed, etc. etc. weekends should be extra long to regain the energy to survive another week. Well, I had no plans other than firing up my Playstation, Hogging junk food and sleeping for the weekend. But, there is a problem that comes with it and the whole internet like you and me is looking for answers for why WEEKENDs gets over so soon?

Like how do you get days of sleep in just 48 Hours? Anyway! These weekend related tweets will make you miss them more than you already do.

P.S. May God give us immense power to bear MondayBlues and survive yet another week.

Midday went by just like dat…. How and when?

We all need this addition to be done!

Feelings are mutual here BRUH!

Also Read16 gifs that anyone taking public transport during summers will relate to

And then we find such people over the internet.

That’s when the anxiety kicks in!

And that’s when we understand that there is nothing we can do about it

If feelings are mutual, let us know in the comments section.


Memes monday blues weekend Monday weekend waiting weekend memes