
We spent May 2022 binging on all kinds of underrated content on Netflix

Shachi Lavingia
New Update
Underrated content

May 2022 has us hooked with underrated content on Netflix with films in different languages that were dubbed in English, a feel-good TV show that felt like warm soup on a cold day!

While the Cannes Film Festival kept us rather occupied this month, a lot of our nights were spent watching underrated content on Netflix like One Day at a Time which talks about a Cuban-American family dealing with life and everything in between, Otherhood which literally captured the essence of Indian moms and The Takedown that reminded us of an episode of CID! F*ck Love Too was quite a bummer too!

Check out our detailed reviews here!

F*ck Love Too - Netflix

A Danish Netflix Original, F*ck Love Too is a sequel to the 2019 film, F*ck de Liefde where three love stories are introduced! And this sequel bites off more than it can chew with Lisa’s love triangle, Bo’s rocky relationship with Said, Lisa’s ex-husband, Jack, fathering babies with two different women, Angela falling for a man she slept with who is secretly a hooker, and Kiki having cold feet before her wedding! Did you lose track? Well, we don’t blame you!

The Takedown - Netflix

A French follow-up to the 2012 French-produced buddy-cop action-comedy, On the Other Side of the TracksThe Takedown feels like the perfect fit for mediocre television given the half-baked storyline, unbelievably naive protagonists, and a rather poor attempt at satire in this genre! It attempts at paying homage to 80s classics like Lethal Weapon but turns out to be a lot less interesting than it thinks itself to be!

One Day at a Time - Netflix

A reimagining of the 1975 series by the same name, One Day at a Time tackles modern life and its problems while being strongly rooted in traditional family values. Watching a 3 generation Cuban American family deal with life while being deeply invested in each others’ lives feels like you’re right back at home! This TV series is a warm and empathetic family sitcom that’s dedicated to showing you how families can hold space for different perspectives when faced with conflict.

Otherhood - Netflix

An overbearing mom or a smothering one who won’t meet you halfway, as Indians, we’ve learned to deal with ’em mothers by setting boundaries, explaining things time and again, and fighting for what we want, all to no avail. That’s the deal with mothers; we love them, we hate them, we can’t live without them! More importantly, over time, we start to see them for the individuals they are, which makes it possible to empathize with how hard this journey is for them. And Otherhood captures all of this throughout its 1 hour 40 minutes.

Which of these have you watched already?

Also Read: Stranger Things 4 Vol 1 has the Janta completely wrapped in its rapture!

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Netflix India Netflix Originals Netflix Movies underrated movies The Takedown Otherhood One Day At A Time F*ck Love Too underrated content underrated content on Netflix underrated TV shows