Check out this list of 20 things that annoy us and we wish everyone says goodbye to them in 2023!
And just like that, keeping up with the traditions, ‘it feels like you blinked and another year passed.’ Even as every end of the year brings the same feeling in all of us, we can never miss the enthusiasm we have to walk into a new year. With new hopes, dreams, agendas, goals, promises, and whatnot, we wish to turn into a whole other person when the clock strikes 12. Although reality stands, we're the same person who has to remind ourselves to not write 2022 when writing the date constantly. But as we welcome a new year, let's also hope to leave some factors behind, like a list of things that annoy us.
Like how hard is it to just keep the door open for the person right behind you? Or even use earphones instead of playing the videos out loud in public? People always manage to disappoint us with things that can be easily rectified, instead these things are ignored royally and repeated without guilt. We made a list of a few and hope you agree with them too!
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Here's our list of things that need to stop!
Not knowing the escalator rule: If you're using them it means you don't want to walk up the stairs. But there are still many who prefer to walk or even run up (weird) so it's better to avoid annoying them and just stick to the left side, FFS!
Talking to someone when they have earphones on: Making someone pause a movie they really like when them wearing earphones clearly means they don't want to talk! Leave them alone!
The queue hassle: Deciding on what to order when there is a long queue is stressful enough. Instead of asking the person in front of you to hurry up, maybe try and be a little more patient.
Social media updates: Sharing every life update on social media needs to stop. People don't want to know everything about you, ugh!
Phone while walking: Texting or worst, watching a video while walking seems like too much. Considering you anyway spend a lot of time on your phone, keep it away while walking at least. Be present and enjoy the world a little, you dummy!
Bad-mouthing a 9 to 5 job: You may not be a fan of it, but that doesn't make it all bad. One needs to find the right balance between their passion, hobby, and job.
Complicated coffee orders: When I say 'regular coffee with cream and sugar' I mean regular coffee. Stop asking me if I want milk that is not milk but something that came out of dry fruits!
Door-keep: Regardless of your gender, don't just walk away. If you see someone behind you, be a little mindful and hold it for them. Same with the elevator! Stop pushing the close button when someone is running to get in! Jeez!
"No Offence": If you are going to start a sentence by saying this, then I will probably take offence!
Men addressing women as 'females': Just because you want to make an argument and disagree with them.
Guilt trip: Stop making someone feel guilty about not knowing things. Just because you don't know slang doesn't mean you are uncool!
Calling someone before texting: It is 2023 for God's sake, make use of those keyboards. And stop wasting someone's time over something that could've just been said on text!
Choosing therapy: It's totally fine to be seeking help. Let's look out for each other and not judge the ones who are taking care of their mental health.
Live and let live: Just because someone else likes something different from you or their opinions don't match with yours doesn't mean they are wrong and deserve to be made fun of. Don't kill someone's vibe like that, man!
Best friends need not meet every day: Life happens, you get busy with work, and meeting every day may not be possible. Also if your friend likes staying at home instead of going to parties, it doesn't mean they don't love you anymore. Remember: "They are your best friend yaa!"
Counting chai: I am sorry, when I was put on this Earth no one told me that I cannot have chai twice or thrice a day
Giving away spoilers: If you watched a movie or a show before your friends and liked it, then recommend it. DON'T GIVE AWAY things that make them worth watching!
Assuming people's pronouns: Don't be that person and be better by asking the individual first. Say, "What are your pronouns?" See, so easy!
Calling out people: We should, but before we go on to pull them down maybe we can take the chance to teach them. Remember not everyone is reading the same things that you are or are around people who teach them to be better. Everyone needs to learn and they can only when we let them!
Hustle culture: Everyone is out there working hard to live their dreams. But it isn't wrong when someone decides to slow down and take a breather.
Would you add something more to this list? Tell us in the comments below.
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