
Unlocking the integration of Meta AI across platforms and its impact on our digital experience

Piyush Singh
New Update
Meta AI

Meta recently introduced its AI assistant, Meta AI, across multiple platforms. And we reached out to creators to inquire how this technology will change the way we interact online.

Artificial intelligence tools have quickly become a part of our daily routines, changing the way we interact with technology. Not long ago, AI was a novel concept, but now it has integrated itself into our everyday lives. Meta recently introduced its AI assistant, Meta AI, across multiple platforms, including WhatsApp, Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, and the portal. WhatsApp users in India are now experiencing the convenience of Meta AI within the app, enabling them to access the AI assistant without having to leave WhatsApp. One particularly exciting feature that has garnered significant attention is the "imagine" option, which can create AI-generated pictures in just seconds based on user commands. However, this introduction raises questions about how users will adapt to these changes and whether it will have any significant effect on the user experience, given the abundance of existing chat systems already available to us. To understand it better, we spoke with content creators Sanidhya Tulsinandan, Forum Shah, and Lokeshna Bhulani, who have used these new features and shared their thoughts.

Also Read: Instagram's new video mute feature doesn't let you mute videos. Here's everything to know! 

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We asked Sanidhya Tulsinandan if AI systems are changing the way we use social media. He mentioned that Meta AI has already significantly altered our interactions with these platforms compared to the early 2010s when users could choose what they viewed. He further explains this while talking about Instagram Reels, a popular format keeping people engaged for hours that's largely driven by Meta AI analyzing user interactions to predict and recommend content, making the experience almost addictive. Sanidhya believes Meta AI is set to work more on this trend, providing even more personalized content recommendations. He speculated that in the future, social media might also become major platforms for shopping, potentially surpassing giants like Amazon for impulse buys. "Meta AI will be able to recommend exactly what you need and convince you that it’s a need rather than a want," he noted, hinting at the potentially irresistible popularity of AI-driven recommendations.

Potential challenges and disruptions

Forum Shah shared her thoughts on the challenges posed by AI integration into social media. While acknowledging the benefits, she pointed out the human touch that AI lacks. "Responses would most likely be automated and come off as robotic," she said, emphasizing that building a brand identity solely on AI could diminish the bond between the brand and its audience. Forum suggested a balanced use of AI, with human oversight to maintain authenticity and connection.

Sanidhya highlighted finding practical use cases for AI rather than just cool features as another challenge. He noted that many current features feel like "nice-to-haves" without fulfilling physical or emotional needs. He expressed hope that AI could improve creators' workflows by assisting with tasks like photo editing, video creation, caption generation, and analytics. For users, he envisioned AI aligning content with their goals rather than just encouraging endless scrolling. "Emotional use cases are where I am really curious," he added, suggesting that AI could enhance communication by understanding context or providing mentor-like guidance.

How good is the 'Imagine' feature?

Forum Shah had tried the 'imagine' feature, which generates images based on user prompts, but found it lacking a lot of things. "It’s not able to create a prompt very effectively despite giving it a lot of data," she said, suggesting that AI still has room to grow in this area. Lokeshna Bhulani also shared her experience, noting that the AI-generated images are useful to avoid searching online and reduce copyright issues. However, she prefers using her photos for a personal touch in her content. "Other than blogs, I wouldn't use these images anywhere," she remarked. When asked if they see themselves using the "imagine" feature regularly, Forum was hesitant. She prefers looking things up herself, citing concerns about incorrect or irrelevant information and how the AI utilizes her inputs. 

Finding what's new and different 

This isn’t the first time a platform has introduced its own AI chat system. For example, last year, Snapchat introduced its “My AI” feature. The question here is, what can Meta AI do differently in changing our user experience, given the AI chat systems that were already available to us? Sanidhya Tulsinandan discussed how Meta AI could differ from Snapchat’s AI. He pointed out that Meta AI's vast access to user data across platforms enables it to offer more advanced and tailored recommendations. This includes personalized news feeds, friend suggestions, targeted ads, and customized chat experiences. He sees Meta AI enhancing shopping experiences within social media apps, potentially turning them into powerful shopping hubs.

On WhatsApp, Sanidhya believes AI could improve communication with features like real-time translation, smart replies, and advanced chatbots for customer service. On Instagram and Facebook, AI could assist with managing DMs, scheduling posts, and generating content ideas based on trending topics and user interests. "Meta AI's ability to predict user preferences and behaviors will shape the future of social media," he concluded, imagining a more intuitive, personalized, and engaging user experience.

Acceptance of AI in daily social media use

Finally, we asked these users how comfortable they are with AI being a part of their regular social media experience. Forum Shah sees the potential for regular AI use, especially for generating new ideas when feeling burnt out. "It gives me rational responses or helps me understand what needs to be posted," she explained, although she wouldn’t overuse it to avoid stifling creativity. Lokeshna Bhulani, on the other hand, prefers traditional methods like notebooks and planners over digital AI tools. "AI personally is a big no-no for me," she stated, emphasizing her preference for a more personal touch in organizing her tasks.

As AI continues to evolve, its integration into social media platforms like WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook presents both exciting opportunities and notable challenges. With its AI, Meta is aiming to improve user engagement and redefine the digital experience. However, the balance between AI automation and human touch will be crucial in maintaining the authenticity and connection that users value.

What are your thoughts on the same? Share with us in the comments below! 

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