
Katlaa Curry review: A poignant story of love, salvation and Katlaa Curry being the main ingredient of it all!

Aishwarya Srinivasan
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Katlaa Curry review

Our review of Katlaa Curry reflects on the film's message of self-acceptance amidst the judgment of society and a beautiful relationship that comes out of it!

Katlaa Curry review: Directed by Rohit Prajapati, Katlaa Curry revolves around two Gujarati men who unexpectedly cross paths with one another. What starts as a beautiful friendship blossoms into love in no time. It all starts when Raymal, a fisherman, saves Ratan from drowning in the water. Ratan, who does not know much about living independently is then taken under Raymal’s wing where he is taught everything from cooking to rowing a boat and they form an unlikely equation. 

Ratan’s identity was brushed under the carpet at home but he felt seen and accepted in front of Raymal. He is the one who helps Ratan build his life back from scratch. They literally build a house together. Ratan learns to cook Raymal’s favorite Katlaa Curry which he made the day he saved him at the river banks. Food is a huge part of their love language. After a confession of love from Ratan, Raymal is hesitant to accept it at first but as someone who has never explored his sexuality, he senses himself being attracted to him. The sexual tension between them could be cut with a knife. Eventually, they do make love in the very house that they built and you can see that it's the happiest they have ever been. But it was the calm before the chaos. Their feathers are ruffled when Raymal’s mother pressures him to get married and he gives in eventually even though he's in love with Ratan. He is scared of what society might think of their relationship and hence he chooses to live the same life that everyone else is living.

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He marries Kumati but neither of them are able to keep each other content and happy. There's a scene where she makes Katlaa Curry after he shows up drunk at home; this hits you hard as the audience, seeing that he cannot eat something that he shared with Ratan. The manner in which he displaces his pain on her makes it difficult to watch as a viewer; this scene drives home the truth that is - hurt people hurt people. Kumati’s character is pivotal to the story because she serves as an absolute eye opener to Raymal about owning his truth and his sexuality. She teaches him that people's judgment shouldn't matter and that he needs to keep his head high and live his life the way he really wants to.

The time Raymal and Ratan spend apart tugs at your heart after you see their journey from friends to lovers and all the memories they share. Their silences and eye contact speak louder than words. The movie, amidst some really powerful background score, highlights themes of fighting the shame of being unconventional and different from others; it is about facing your reality when the mirror is put in front of you. At the core of it all, it's a love story like no other. Both Raymal and Ratan save each other in more ways than one and become a safe space for one another in a world that has constantly let them down. 

Katlaa Curry had its world premiere at The Kashish Pride Film Festival this year!

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kashish film festival Kinnary Pankti Panchal Mayank Gadhvi Priyank Gangwani Katlaa Curry