How often do you and your friends create a random series of jokes out of an ordinary scenario? This Twitter thread was even better with strangers chiming in to create some hilarious phone case puns!
Now you must be wondering what I mean by phone case puns, so let me tell you. Or better, let me show it to you.
This is where it began. ChildishSadbino or @datassque is the newest internet hero for what he does. And he is in good company because his followers are just about as random as the man is. Don’t believe me? Take a look at this one.
..and check out this awful, atrocious, and equally hilarious series of phone case memes that went off like a chain reaction!
So, did these make you laugh? Or did they make you want to punch someone?
Don’t you like puns? Are you (look below)
Before you belittle their efforts to create jokes out of a damn phone case, ask yourself, can you create random humour out of everyday objects?
Did I just use irrelevant hypothetical scenarios just so I could make that pun? I can neither confirm nor deny it.