
A love letter to the magic of Disney movies that will never grow out of me

Eden Cardoz
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Disney movies

No matter how old I get Disney and Pixar animated movies will always be a big part of me, and here are all the reasons why.

Watching Inside Out 2 recently reminded me of how much I attach Disney with nostalgia, memory, and connections. I remember for the longest time how Disney has always been a huge part of my life.  I remember the time when I would put on CDs and have a movie marathon watching Aladdin, Tarzan, Bambi, The Jungle Book, and Cars with my big brother while our mother would make us her holiday special dinners. From the entire existence of the Disney channel to rewatching the same shows on Hotstar, I grew up in this era that shaped how I feel as an adult today.

It started with being completely taken aback watching the iconic Lion KingIt not only made me sad but also left my younger self crying as I watched a fictional character like Mufasa, Spoiler Alert, die. Opening up the world of emotions that remained in my heart forever Disney has helped me make sense of my emotions in its way. Be it watching characters like 'Boo' in Monster Inc., the 'I see the lights' moment in Tangled when they realize their love for each other or even the family dynamics in Incredibles, there are a million reasons why I can always go back to them. 

Growing up came with the liberty to watch moderately PG Disney movies. And I never truly realized the perks of pubescent until I found a fictional character I could crush on. I can still feel the excitement of watching the entire High School Musical franchise and dreaming that Troy Bolton (Zac Efron) would one day be my life partner! I know it sounds hilarious, but haven’t we all had crushes on various Disney characters whom we have been captivated for years? Like many, I have come to terms with the idea that Troy will always be my first love even when I find someone in real life.

While the Disney shows served my pubescent, there has always been something special about animated movies. Most of it is from the power of their stories that express even the most complex emotions in the simplest ways. Think of how Red Panda had moments that felt so personal, where an entire family legacy of women had to heal their inner child which allowed the daughter forgiveness, or how we get to explore complex parental dynamics through Onward as the widowed mother tries to bond with both her sons. As I rewatch all these movies today I realize how they connect to human emotions, and relationships, creating a strong connection between the movies and audiences. Like all of these movies, I really looked forward to watching Inside Out 2 because I felt a strong connection to the first part. Inside Out was able to put emotions into simple perspective for me explaining that even the joyful moments in our lives have sad parts. 

Disney has always felt like a cure for my inner soul. My love for Disney/Pixar movies can be credited to their ability to remind me of the times when life felt simple and easy. From the classics in the 1990s - 2000s to today, Disney is a gift that keeps on giving! There is an instant adrenaline rush that begins to flow like a stream in me the minute Disney movies are brought up in a conversation. Inside Out 2 was nothing but a full circle moment, where I sat back and took in how Disney/Pixar does its magic. The time I felt a panic attack or went through the 'phases' of puberty could not be represented any better.

It is a comfort knowing that even when my adult life feels tiring, I can find calm and peace in the tiny joys of enjoying a good Disney movie marathon. It's good to let the inner child in you live a little every now and then.

What do you associate Disney and Pixar movies with? Let us know in the comments below.

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