
Update yourself with the news roundup for this week

Aanchal Mohta
New Update
news roundup

Check out what’s happening this week through news roundup that will help you keep you informed.

The entire world is under lockdown yet there’s so much happening all across the globe. With alcohol shops being allowed to open to Twitter’s High Fashion Met Gala and Pulitzer to India Photographers, this week was quite busy. Take a look at what has happened all throughout this week to stay updated with this news roundup.

Take a look:

Alcohol shops opened in green and orange zones

Virtual High Fashion Twitter Met Gala

Also read: Brush through this week’s news roundup to stay up-to-date

Naval ships sent to evacuate Indian citizens from UAE and Maldives

10 dead after Vizag gas leak from a chemical plant

14 worker migrants workers ran over by good train in Aurangabad

global news news roundup headlines week news what's happening