Coming out in a big deal considering the kind of pressure that comes with not fitting into the age-old and ignorant boxes triest to fit everyone in. It takes courage and time and it's okay to wait until you are ready. We've curated a list of heartwarming coming out stories that we're sure will inspire everyone out there.
While a lot has become better for the LGBTQ+ community around the world, there is still a lot that has to change. June is all about Pride and celebrating the freedom of being your true self along with the courage it takes to do so. The LGBTQ community has grown over the years with more and more people finding the support and confidence to be themselves. Every single one of them has a different and inspiring story but the one moment that most people have in common is the first time they of coming out to someone they care about. It is a moment that is close to many people's hearts and whether or not it has a positive outcome, anyone who chooses to do it is brave. Celebrating this courage and strength, we've curated some heartwarming coming out stories. Some decided to do it privately, and some decided to capture the moment on camera. There have been a number of such beautiful coming out stories that will make our hearts melt with happiness.
Take a look at these:
July 27, 2018. Today I came out to my parents. I was so scared and it’s not easy to come out. I loved their reactions and their little advice they gave me. I can finally live my life. I love my parents and all the people that have supported me throughout my journey. ??
— alejandro (@iaalejandroo) July 27, 2018