
2 dad creators who are showing us the many colours of fatherhood!

Smrithi Mohan
New Update
dad creators

From being vulnerable to learning more about fatherhood through trial and error, Blake Kasemeier and Kim Walnut’s profile feels like a beautiful diary about a day in the life of a dad.

Bollywood has always portrayed dads as the one's all about parampara, prathistha, anushashan until the last few years when we came across the ‘talk to me like I'm your best friend’ kinda dads. Movies draw inspiration from life and often portray what things could be like while social media serves as more of a reflection of real life, which is why, we find ourselves so engaged with both. Luckily for us, there have been dads online who are using their online presence to talk about their journey into fatherhood which is gratifying to watch. Most of it can be attributed to their storytelling ability that stirs a string in our hearts. We find ourselves yearning to experience the same deep connection with our fathers that these dad creators seem to share with their young ones.

As an adult in her late 20s, the thought of being a parent is scary. Being the one shaping someone who would grow into an adult feels like a task but watching these dads on social media platforms makes you wonder if it’s doable. There is a sense of comfort and familiarity that you experience when witnessing the bond between a father and his son in Korea or learning about fatherhood from someone in Oakland.

Also Read: 7 things desi dads do that make complete sense (mostly)

Blake Kasemeier, a copywriter and Jijutsu practitioner, takes his time crafting stories about fatherhood that are equal parts learning and emotionally satisfying. His videos have a pacifying tone that calms you down as he shares his experiences of trying to be the perfect bookend dad with a hint of humor. Like the time he talked about his 3-year-old ‘bravely’ requesting a sandwich with crust on only to find half of it in his pocket during laundry, to the time he wanted to tell his son that a flower won’t last long if his generation doesn’t deal with climate change. There is a sense of belonging and understanding that radiates through his content that is a result of him accepting every good, bad and ugly part of his life.

While Blake is the philosophical one, Kim Walnut shows us the perks of being a playful dad. He showcases the bond that a father and son can share where they are comfortable enough to be vulnerable and goofy with each other. Being patient with Yoon (his son) when he spills a glass of coke and immediately reassuring him that he is not mad indirectly healed a lot of our childhood trauma. He talks to his child over food or goes on play dates with him where he asks and tells him about all kinds of things. Every moment he shares online fills us with a sense of reassurance of how it’s not difficult to be a good dad if you put effort into it.

My dad is emotional, laughs at jokes, gets angry at things he can’t handle, and also cries (obviously when we are not around) when things hurt him. Although I will always love him, heart-to-heart conversations or discussing emotions were never a part of our relationship and I'd have liked for them to be. Watching Blake and Kim have this relationship with their kids has me wondering about the things that I wish I had with my dad! And these profiles have taken a special place in my heart for depicting what a father-child relationship should look like. And I'm sure, just like me, many of you might relate to this! 

Here are some of their videos I quite love!

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dad creators Blake Kasemeier Kim Walnut fathers on instagram